
Tunisian Tuesday CAL

Tunisian Tuesday  Thursday CAL

28 July 2016 – Week 2 & 3

Week 1 got off to a great start with everyone enjoying choosing their colours and making the first block that Helen & I chose. We have also been joined by Carolyn, the designer of the Tunisian Afghan that we are using for the CAL. She was a little surprised by the influx of pattern sales.

Week 1 blocks from the Rainbow Valley group
Week 1 blocks from the Rainbow Valley group

This week I am a little bit behind so will be sharing two blocks for you to try this week. 

Tunisian Sample Afghan Block 18

‪#‎TunisianTuesdayCAL‬ Week 2.

2016-07-15 18.08.20

This weeks block is number 18. This time you have a Tunisian knit Stitch block so that those new to Tunisian can learn a basic stitch before we start on the patterned blocks. We would love to see your finished blocks and your chosen colour schemes too. You are more than welcome to join us on Facebook – Rainbow Valley Crochet

Tunisian Sample Afghan Block 34

‪#‎TunisianTuesdayCAL‬ Week 3.


Block 34 has a lovely pattern repeat using the stitches that you have practiced in the previous two blocks.

NOTES – Helen & Faye are both using Stylecraft Special DK yarns with 5 mm bamboo hooks & 5 mm crochet hooks. The blocks before borders are measuring approximately 5 x 5″ inches or 15 x 15 cm.

Allow yourself approximately 2 hours for making the block. Helen has created a great tutorial which you can find here

Faye’s notes – Block 18; I needed to add 4 extra rows of the pattern before binding off to ensure that my block was square. Block 34; To make sure that block 34 was square I needed to include 1 extra pattern repeat (2 rows) before binding off. I am however noticing that as I progress my tension is beginning to settle now.

Helen’s notes – Block 18; My tension was a little tighter on this one. I needed 23 rows to make it square. Block 34;  I actually stuck to the pattern in this one as 23 rows came out square.

Week 2 examples from our Facebook group


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