Tuesday Tips


Hello to all you lovely crafty people…

I know it feels like forever since i last did a blog and with everything that’s going on right now i hope everyone is keeping safe and indoors as much as you can.

i wanted to do a positive post about all the lovely pictures ive see in peoples windows of rainbows to help people feel hopeful and more cheery in these tough times.

I went for a walk today with my boy and took some photos of ones i saw.

It makes me feel happy to see kids and adults getting involved. Using paint, tissue paper and whatever they have indoors to make the rainbows.

I decided to have a go myself, i went down the crochet route and i really enjoyed making the rainbow and the hearts that i stuck in my window.

You can find the pattern i used for the rainbow here, i just continued using the same repeat in the pattern to add extra rows

and you can find the pattern for the hearts here.

I hope this post cheers someone up because seeing all the artwork helped me to stay happy today.

See you all again next time!

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