Tunisian Tuesday CAL
#TunisianTuesdayCAL Week 20 – Block 14
All TSS again but with lots of colour changes. You use 3 colours and change each time you finish putting on and each time you finish taking off. It sounds confusing but once you get into it, then it makes sense. Faye said she had to keep reminding herself to actually do the colour changes, she said she was getting too over confident.
#TunisianTuesdayCAL Week 20a – Block 35
Faye found this one easy however, confidence got the better of her and she had to frog several times because she wasn’t reading the full pattern and was forgetting to create the shells.
Please post your blocks in the Rainbow Valley Crochet Facebook group when you have made it and let us know if you are happy for us to share your photos. If you would like to join in with the #TunisianTuesdayCAL there is more information at http://www.enfys.me.uk/english/tutorial/tunisian-cal.htm
Don’t forget to read the rest of the post as there are hints/tips, photographs, group feedback and information about the NEW Rainbow Valley Crochet design that is being released in January 2017.
Secret Garden CAL
Have you enjoyed taking part in this CAL? If so, Helen has designed one of her own and it looks and feels incredible. The pattern launch is taking place in January 2017 but you can pre-order the pattern and yarn packs now via Helen’s website. There is also an online Facebook event, where you can find out all the information you need.

Secret Garden CAL
The CAL will start on January 16th and run until the end of April. The pattern will be delivered digitally for each section.
Related Blog Posts
Week 1 & Introduction; Week 2 & 3; Week 4 ; Week 5 ; Weeks 6, 7 & 8 ; Week 9 ; Week 10; Week 11/11a;
Week 12/12a; Week 13/13a; Weeks 14 & 15; Week 16; Week 17; Week 18; Week 19;
Group Photo Album
Link to Carolyn Christmas’s Tunisian sample afghan pattern
Buy Tunisian hooks here
Handy Hint

We were asked “Hi, does anyone know what I keep doing wrong with the end stitch of the squares please?”
By going to the very edge and picking up the last two strands you should still have 23 stitches. Just follow the above image left to right/top row/bottom row and you should be good to go.
The Continuous Join
#FollowonFriday Here is the link to the continuous joining for the 5 blocks you have made so far.
Of course, you do not have to join them in the same order as I have and you don’t have to join them just yet if you would prefer to wait until you have made more.
You can download the tutorial from – Rainbow Valley Crochet website
You can find more information about the CAL and pattern here
Completed Afghans

Are you on Ravelry?
Did you know that you can add your #TunisianTuesdayCAL to your projects? Have a look at Faye’s project, as you will see, Faye has uploaded all of her photo’s and notes. She has also linked it to Carolyn’s listing. When you are on Carolyn’s page, select the option “Hook it” on the top left, this will then put the project into your project list where you can edit, add photo’s, yarn, hooks used and any notes you feel should accompany the listing. Faye has found that this is a good tool to use, as it enables others to see progress.
Group Feedback
Helen – “I love seeing all the different colours people are making this blanket in. It would be great to get some finished ones together for a photo shoot.”
Faye says “Taking part in the CAL and being one of the organiser’s has been great. I have learnt a whole new way to crochet that doesn’t aggravate my health issues half as much as regular crochet. It has also helped me to understand the mechanics of crochet in general and I have found vast improvements in my own work.”
Grace says “I have really enjoyed doing it, and like you know it doesn’t hurt my hands as much.”
Jane Says – ‘I like being able to see the others’ squares and get advice when stitches look different to the pattern’
Lesley say’s “I love doing it, it is very relaxing even though I am still learning it. Holding the long hook at the end takes the strain off hands. Will certainly be looking for more patterns in Tunisian crochet Be interesting to find the origins.”