Welcome to Patreon
Hello & welcome to the new extension of Unravel & Unwind. We welcome you to our online creative space.
With the ever increasing advancements of technology , creative activities are becoming more accessible and with the internet we can now reach further afield and grow with our online community.
Join us today on Patreon and help us to build an interactive creative community.
Unravel & Unwind was founded 2014 by Faye, as a physical community space in Rochester, England for creative, like-minded individuals who found themselves turning to arts and crafts due to long term chronic illnesses, and found that they were becoming isolated by working from home. Over the course of the past 6 years, Unravel & Unwind has welcomed many people through the doors (and even via Skype) to participate in craft & chat sessions, creative workshops and classes. Bringing skills and knowledge to the local community, and quite often exchanging techniques and ideas through the craft and chat drop in sessions.
For our Patrons we are providing virtual drop-ins (craft & chats) via video call technology and also creative workshops, demos and tutorials. In addition our patrons benefit from early release or exclusive videos and patterns. For example, the Plan With Me video series presented by Sy or the Yarn Reviews presented by Faye.
There are 3 membership tiers to choose from starting at $3 (+VAT) per month and the first 100 subscribers will receive a limited edition enamel pin badge.